We are accelerating the publication of remaining chapters of the book in order to receive your comments during our editorial window. We will be publishing the remaining chapters daily until completion.
after mye night of somewhat unsatisfying sleep (as usual) this nottion popped into mye bonce, having mused upon, not for the first time, the 'how' of how iye engage and digest and intertwine with what calls mye.. and the intertwining of the life that said last night... iye become the book like the San become the animal they hunt.. and thy bookling becometh mye also therefore... so wye now come to the yikesy wow thingy
has Gabriel considered once the big real thing is in the hands of those who call her forth.. the book is 'published and therefore birthed beyond her original womblings and tender first 9-monthlings where wye, i hope, maybe also care and tend and welcome her into our wayes and our longings... might ye consider if ye havenot yet done so, an interactive web-based version such as iye myeself engage in here... but more so.. where wye may remark on the text, and on our responses and so on as the HUNTER iye learning to call again within mye spirit-hunter-tender-sovereignty of mye heartselfing?
A 'version' where iye can make (literal) spaces, move the text around if iye need to, make mye 'real time with-ness' .. all of course for mye personal selfing...what they in this unfortunate traumatised systematised concreted deadness they call 'life here in the modernity anthropocentric age etc)... what they call a 'course'... if ye like, a study.. but not as they deem it.. but as the San told mye last night... and iye knew, in deep self-chairos where no Man (sic) can go... (ie the 'Man' being the constructed traumatised appearance that obscures the harmony of yang with yin, and lives in deep re-cognition, the cognition of hearting, intertwining irrevocably with life and her form and form(s) of which of course fundamentally one form, many formlets...
after mye night of somewhat unsatisfying sleep (as usual) this nottion popped into mye bonce, having mused upon, not for the first time, the 'how' of how iye engage and digest and intertwine with what calls mye.. and the intertwining of the life that said last night... iye become the book like the San become the animal they hunt.. and thy bookling becometh mye also therefore... so wye now come to the yikesy wow thingy
has Gabriel considered once the big real thing is in the hands of those who call her forth.. the book is 'published and therefore birthed beyond her original womblings and tender first 9-monthlings where wye, i hope, maybe also care and tend and welcome her into our wayes and our longings... might ye consider if ye havenot yet done so, an interactive web-based version such as iye myeself engage in here... but more so.. where wye may remark on the text, and on our responses and so on as the HUNTER iye learning to call again within mye spirit-hunter-tender-sovereignty of mye heartselfing?
A 'version' where iye can make (literal) spaces, move the text around if iye need to, make mye 'real time with-ness' .. all of course for mye personal selfing...what they in this unfortunate traumatised systematised concreted deadness they call 'life here in the modernity anthropocentric age etc)... what they call a 'course'... if ye like, a study.. but not as they deem it.. but as the San told mye last night... and iye knew, in deep self-chairos where no Man (sic) can go... (ie the 'Man' being the constructed traumatised appearance that obscures the harmony of yang with yin, and lives in deep re-cognition, the cognition of hearting, intertwining irrevocably with life and her form and form(s) of which of course fundamentally one form, many formlets...
when does your 'editorial window' close please?