Well, I pulled the old person’s version of an all-nighter on Thursday, which means that I slept for three hours, and then sat down for 14 and blasted out the design of the manuscript, and in a couple of weeks we’ll have a few dozen Advanced Review Copies in the hands of experts in related fields from around the world. We are looking to start a 🔥 with this one, which needs to be kindled in the appropriate hearts and minds to catalyze the alchemy we need to see unfold around this project, which is seeking to help shift the energy of the field of Autonomic Physiology into a health creation (salugenic) rather than a trauma treatment (pathogenic) orientation.
Laying out a manuscript is a funny thing, because as the words move from a Word document into layouts, and you start to see elements of typography, and visual design organizing, it begins that process of moving from the abstract into the real. Usually at this stage we hand it off to our book designer, but this time I’ve done the layouts myself because I want to get an ARC into the hands of a bunch of people soon.
This has been the most collective book project I’ve ever worked on, and the feedback from this Substack has been super-helpful in improving the book. Thanks to all of you for your sustained engagement. It means a great deal to me. We are going to leverage that effect in the next stage with about 30 expert advisors…and then the result will be iterated once more before being sent to our editorial team and book design team for final layout.
If there is a compelling reason that you should receive an Advanced Review Copy of the book, convince me in a comment. Maybe you have expertise that would be of benefit. Maybe you have connections to publicity that would be relevant. Maybe there is some other way you can help clarify our thinking or help us build momentum around this…
Preorders are still open and include full access to this Substack, where we are publishing the chapters serially, and have just released Chapter 21.
Gratefully Yours,
Sorry Claire. The hardcover will be available internationally.
Me me me. Lol. Ha ha ha. I'll continue reading and commenting! I'm joking, i get they're already distributed.