Hey Everybody-
The book is moving to our editorial team and into the layout and design phase. We will keep you appraised of the movement into production and some of the particulars of layout and typography that are particularly fun at this stage of the book design process. We may pick your collective brains for feedback around some of the design– having a global community of people engaged with the production of this book has been one of the most gratifying aspects of the whole experience. Stay tuned!
At this time we are also announcing the teaching tour associated with the book. If you are interested in learning this material firsthand, in person, there will be several opportunities to train with me directly in the coming year.
Our first 5-day training on the Neurobiology of Connection will be at our northern California eco-reserve in October. It will be held from Wednesday October 15 - Saturday October 19. This training is particularly designed for practitioners seeking to apply an autonomic lens to your work with patients and clients, and will focus on helping clients experience more safety and connection. We will do this by helping you develop and refine your interoceptive tracking skills, and refine your autonomic tracking abilities. You can learn more about the training here. If you are interested, the training requires instructor approval. Send us an email to support@restorativepractices.com with Nicasio retreat in the subject line outlining your professional background and why you are interested in joining us.
Our northern California eco-reserve is our global headquarters, and the location of our film studio. It is a pristine ten acre nature preserve located 45 minutes north of San Francisco in an old-growth Douglas Fir forest. We have deeded access to nearly 800 acres, including a private trail system running through them. Conditions are rustic (in a good way) and weather here in mid-October is generally clear, with temperatures ranging from the 50s in the early morning to the 80s in the afternoon. The reserve is in West Marin county with access to charming towns along the Pacific coast, and profound redwood forests. There are 15 spaces in this retreat.
In December I then will travel to Costa Rica to teach at Tierra Valiente (Brave Earth), with my friend and colleague Alnoor Ladha, whose collaboration with Lynn Murphy, Post-Capitalist Philanthropy, is the most elegant dismantling of capitalism I have come across. This retreat will be more focused for changemakers, innovators, visionaries, and activists– people architecting the ancestral future. During the day we’ll explore the physiology of connection. In the evenings we will explore the implications of a worldview grounded in safety and connection for the transformation of systems, including movement from the necronomics of the endstage capitalism to post-capitalist landscapes and potentialities. This retreat will take place from December 18-22. People who need to depart on the 23rd to get home for the holidays will be able to do so. The retreat has 30 spaces. Registration for this will open in the next few weeks. If you are interested please email support@restorativepractices.com with Costa Rica retreat in the subject line, and tell us about why you’d like to join us, and we’ll reach out to you as we are opening registration. This retreat will fill pretty quickly as they also have a large audience waiting for this.
Rumi’s Kitchen at Tierra Valiente.
We will send details for the Costa Rica retreat as they solidify. We are looking at teaching Europe next spring and early summer.
Hugs everyone.
looks wooonderful... looking forwards to seeing what ye plan for 'Europe'.. hope ye come to UK too :-)