Final Proof Approval
I’ve just approved the final printing proofs of the book. We’ll be receiving a final galley with all of the updates made to the first set of galleys (yikes!), and then printing will commence to fulfill our preorders from the past year plus... Thanks to all of you for your support of the book, and for your patience.
The book is arriving during a seachange in the United States, a period of increasing peril, a moment when more and more people are asking:
how do I keep my mind from running away with me?
how do I deal with the stresses I am feeling?
how come sometimes I am feeling anxious and other times I am enraged and other times I feel totally shutdown?
why do I feel like my body is burning so much energy? Why am I exhausted?
why am I feeling things that don’t seem to belong to me?
The book looks closely, carefully, and systematically at the role of the Autonomic Nervous System in shaping our moment-to-moment experience. It teaches an ancestrally-informed, mindfulness-based approach to tilting our deep nervous systems in the direction of thriving during a time of encroaching visceral experience of threat.
Becoming fluent in this inward cartography of the Autonomic Nervous System provides a map in the direction of sanity and clarity about how and why the body responds so powerfully to feeling unsafe, and what we can do to transform the inputs to our nervous systems in the direction of safety and connection such that we can support wellbeing. It maps this out theoretically, through metaphor and analogy, and gives practical tips, guidance, and exercises.
Although I would be delighted to be releasing it during a time of widespread flourishing, we are passing through a period of time when people really need these tools.
At present, there is a hardcover version forthcoming November 30 that you can order here. For those of you who want the book now, or live outside of the continental United States (we recently discovered that there are new import duties on sending books to Europe that made the price of shipping flat-out astonishing), you can download the complete book in digital format (epub) here.
Again, thanks to all of you for your patience with the preorders. The book has been a monumental and community-based process. Deep bow to all of you.