Live Classes, updates, errata
Dear Readers–
It continues to be my honor to present The Neurobiology of Connection to you serially in this Substack. It has been gratifying to receive your comments on chapters, many of which are so insightful, have prompted further research and refinement, and are making the book and this learning community stronger. We have communicated with people who have pre-ordered the book to let them know that we have pushed the publication date of the hardcover back 6 months. The manuscript is already generating critical waves, and pushing the emergence of some crucial conversations in the Polyvagal community at large.
This additional time window (until mid-October) will permit us to corroborate several of the most unusual assertions in the book with relevant experts and stronger literature review, as well as convene several salons to discuss these ideas in a more public forum. We will keep readers appraised of the salons as they near. Among other topics we will seek to cover in live events are:
collective trans-disciplinary inquiry into early in vivo neuro-embryology. We are wanting to understand with much greater precision the neural development of the ANS in the earliest embryonic stages
the role of frequency in ANS function, ranging from its applications in pyscho-acoustics to the pattern generation of breathing
the continuum of appeasement from negotiation, to accommodating, through appeasing and fawning. There is not a consensus in the field about the neurophysiological substrate of these responses, nor is there, at present clear definition around them
lineages that work with the transit from dorsal to ventral, bypassing the sympathetics, suggesting pathways between the two that do not require a shift into sympathetic responses. Such lineages impact upon our understanding of Jacksonian dissolution and the hierarchy of responses.
I will be teaching the framework of the book in two live trainings over the next couple of months. All of these trainings will take place on Fridays, for 90 minutes at 3 pm PST (-8 hours GMT). The first begins today, and is the first public presentation of the book’s framework. Classes are Fridays March 1 and March 8. There is still space available. This training is for wellness professionals and interested laypeople. It is entitled ‘Turning on the Neurobiology of Connection.’ Part of its focus is on helping clinicians explain the nervous system in terminology that patients with no technical background and no particular interest in the nervous system will find relatable. The training is offered on a sliding scale here.
The second class is offered on Fridays March 29, April 5, and April 12. It is for the general public, zero background required. This training, entitled Elemental Autonomic Physiology, will explore the ANS through the three primary metaphors that we use in our work: the inward forest, water, and light (color theory).
For those of you encountering our work here on Substack for the first time, I am Founder and CEO of Hearth Science and Convener of the Restorative Practices Alliance. Our team, which is comprised of more than 100 faculty, mentors, and advisors, are world-leading experts in the neurobiology of connection. We run a clinic focused on treating stress-related disorders and the creation of enduring wellbeing, and have created a diagnostic and intervention software platform (The Autonomic Treatment Atlas) for wellness professionals that centers autonomic physiology in the diagnosis and treatment of stress-related disorders and the creation of enduring wellbeing. We produce books, films, and have designed a clinical poster series to share these ideas.
If you are interested in diving deeper with these ideas, I also moderate a global Facebook group called The Polyvagal Study group, which seeks to coordinate global participatory co-learning, teaching, practice, and research.
Thanks for joining us on this learning journey. It is an honor to be your guide.
Warm Regards to All,
Several readers have kindly pointed out that there is no chapter 11 in the Substack. It jumps from 10 to 12. There is not a missing chapter. We have several times re-organized the sequence of chapters, and when I republished them we left out the number 11. Apologies. I like the number 11 a great deal.
Watch - These go to Eleven.
On the same topic of the sequence of chapters, there is a non-trivial possibility that in the final printed version of the book the chapters on the portals to connection may appear in a different order than in this Substack.