As part of our new training series, I am teaching an extremely low cost LIVE introduction to The Neurobiology of Connection.
The training will take place on Zoom this coming Friday (March 29) and the two following Fridays (April 5 and April 12) at 3 pm PST (-7 hours GMT). Sessions are 90 minutes in duration.
The first class will focus on neurology through the lens of trees and the inward forest.
The second class will focus on safety and threat through the lens of water.
The third class will focus on Autonomic state through the lens of color theory.
These are metaphors used throughout the new book, whose purpose is to scaffold and render visceral the daily lived texture of inhabiting your deep nervous system.
The training is preparatory for a larger salon series we will kick off later in the year exploring the cutting-edges of applied neurophysiology.
If you would care to join us, you can register using the link below.
The class is 4.5 hours of LIVE teaching, and costs $50.
i'm wondering if you'd care to run this course again at this cost? I would keenly sign up for it!