Dear Colleagues and Readers-
I am delighted to announce that we have made a decision to offer ADVANCE READER COPIES of the book from today until May 31, 2024 to our readers. This is NOT, repeat NOT, the final version of the text. It is the paperback version in black and white that we are sending to several dozen colleagues, experts in various fields, and prospective reviewers. If you have pre-ordered the book, this is not that pre-order. This is an opportunity, if you wish, to have the manuscript in a bound format rather than reading it online (or in addition to).
This version is paperback, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 369 pages, in black and white with limited illustrations. (The forthcoming hardcover will be larger format, in full color, with full catalog of illustrations.)
There will be revisions made to this version, but in the spirit of opening the dialogue of this work to the broadest possible relevant audience– the book is, we hope, a catalyst to spur the evolution of the study of applied autonomic physiology as it relates to our daily lived wellbeing– Jaguar has decided to release these more broadly.
These are available today until May 31, by which time we want to collect all feedback so that we can integrate the feedback into our final edits prior to October publication. Purchases are constrained to a single book per person.
If you would like to purchase a single ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) you can do so here.
We are going to create a post on this Substack entitled ‘Feedback on Advanced Reader Copies’ that will be open to all to post, whether or not you are a paid subscriber. Here you may leave any feedback on the manuscript, ranging from
minutiae, e.g., there is a missing comma in the second paragraph on page 187 after the word narwhal,
larger editorial comments: e.g., first paragraph on page 320 could be clearer
broader questions: e.g., how come you haven’t addressed the impacts of such and so?
anything else you think merits sharing with us to make this work stronger and able to reach more people
We will review all comments, and incorporate those that make sense to us. We also have several questions we are hoping people will also answer for us, including
Are you comfortable with and enjoying the narratorial voice?
Do you find the glossary useful?
Are you tracking the science?
Is the format of citations working for you?
I drop a fair number of f-bombs in the book. Is this too f*cking much?
How is the balance between the technical and the accessible?
Are there adequate concrete examples of how to apply what we are saying?
Is the epilogue useful or necessary?
Do you like the book?
In addition, more broadly relating to dissemination:
Do you have any ideas about how we can help get the word out about it?
Would you be willing to share it with your sphere of influence?
Sorry all.
Link was not functioning properly.
Has been fixed in the body of the post, but if not, use this one instead.
I had problems also with the purchase link - I took the ending "=" off the link and it got me to a page, but there is a note that says "Purchase through this link is no longer available. "