Hey everybody-
In tandem with the forthcoming book we are going to be releasing a new library of visual designs that incorporate our new foundation model in a variety of graphical formats. Historically we have developed these kinds of posters for clinicians and interested laypeople to have in their offices, treatment rooms, etc., to assist with explaining autonomic physiology to their clients. (Our discontinued Official Polyvagal Poster from 2020 is in about 1500 treatment rooms in 50 countries.)
At present we are working on poster designs that incorporate this novel synthesis into 24 x 36 inch poster format. Here’s a sneak peak at some of the imagery.
Our new Autonomics posters address a number of deficits in the Polyvagal Theory model, specifically as it relates to clinical application and implementation, based on work with about 100 advisors in 25 disciplines of wellbeing from 24 cultures. The new foundation model is consistent with more ancestral/indigenous views of wellbeing, and expands the emphasis on salugenic (health-creating) states. The posters
Include six additional states beyond the seven articulated by Polyvagal Theory: restore, enjoy, compete, accommodate, appease, dorsal appease
Clarify the synergistic nature of the three primary autonomic systems as they interact across a continuum of safety, danger, and life threat, and the way that these interactions degrade as we shift into defense.
Improves visualization and comprehension of pathways directly from shutdown states to connection states (a circle or spiral, not a ladder) based on our work with matrilineal/ indigenous healing lineages.
Demonstrates the fundamental interactions of neurochemistry with neural platform to undergird state
Removes the barrier of technical language (ventral vagal, sympathetic, dorsal vagal) divorced from everyday experience to describe state phenomena
Posters are coming in a variety of formats to support your clinical work and personal work of transformation. Stay tuned!
two nit-picks first - the last word of the paragraph to the right of ACTIVATION CHEMISTRY should be "pathogenic", yes? And to the far left of the poster from this, some words need a space to separate them: "thehealth-creating".
Big picture, there's lots of language that would need to be unpacked for a patient seeing this in a doctor or therapist's office - eg "This map illustrates the neurophysiological substrates that govern the neural architectures of the mindbody connection across a full repertoire of embodied experience."