Our teaching praxis over the next year
I would like to offer some updates here about our teaching praxis, with the recognition that those of you who are here, reading this Substack, may be doing so for reasons that range from mild personal interest to wishing to be able to incorporate this new paradigm in your own healing work.
Our primary objectives, with this entire endeavor, are to create an accurate neural cartography of the autonomic nervous system, because learning this map and how to navigate it are the most powerful levers a person has for taking charge of their wellbeing. And we are going to need this awareness to be more and more generally available, because the polycrisis of modernity continues to deepen.
I founded and run Hearth Science, Inc., which is a translation research firm whose purview has been the assembly of this model. In my capacity as Founder of the org, I’ve assembled a trans-disciplinary advisory of about 150 people in more than 25 disciplines of wellbeing from 24 countries. One of our goals, with the research network, is to put these tools into many people’s hands around the world, so that they can experiment with and continue to refine them in various contexts, and share this learning, both successes and challenges, in a structured manner. To that end, we are convening a decentralized global participant action research network, which is still its early stages, and that you can learn more about and join here for free. Our effort here is to disseminate publicly-accessible free resources and learnings, shared through creative commons licenses, like this autonomics image gallery.
The technical scaffolding of this is still being built, it is still early stage, but it is one of our aspirations. In tandem with this, we are actively teaching. We do this in a number of ways, including in seminars, face-to-face gatherings and retreats, and in online courses.
I have just begun teaching two post-doctoral seminars in Autonomic Physiology, on a fall semester schedule. There may be one space remaining in the afternoon section of this seminar, which is focused on our new foundation model of Autonomics. If interested, you can learn more about that here. The application to the seminar is below.
Later this year we begin an international teaching tour, with dates already scheduled in California, Costa Rica, Southwestern France, Tuscany (Italy), and Kauai. We are in the process of scheduling for New York, Australia, the Philippines, and Japan. In most of these locations, we will do a half-day or daylong public teaching, and then conduct a week-long retreat (this requires an application). There may be other dates and locations as well. You can learn more about our Autonomics Tour below
If you are digging on this material, please also check out our Autonomics poster, which I designed to bring the model into a single visual design.
Finally, over the past couple of years I have created several live and online courses about this movement beyond Polyvagal Theory, which have been documented in several courses. The first course is based on a 3-hour lecture that was delivered in July of 2023, and entitle Beyond Polyvagal Theory. The second is a lecture series that was delivered in tandem with my fall 2023 Autonomic physiology seminar on evoking connection states. The third is the recent public talk we gave on the new Foundation Model of autonomics.
As we prepare for a new cycle of teaching, and are wanting to make this body of work accessible to interested people, I would like to announce that we have extended the sale on this bundle of self-paced teachings (the Beyond Polyvagal Theory learning bundle). Ordinarily $773, you can now obtain all three courses, to which you will have permanent access, for $300. Please consider taking advantage of this offer if you are interested in going deep with this material, either for personal reasons, or because you are interested in centering autonomic physiology more deeply in your healing work.