What if everything you’ve ever learned about neuroscience was built on a faulty foundation?
What if there are unacknowledged blindspots in the foundational assumptions that undergirded the view that built the discipline?
What if these foundation errors led to the construction of an entire edifice of knowledge that is fundamentally distorting our view of what the nervous system actually is, and imprisoning us in a sort of mental schema that constrains the liberation of human potentials?
Our potentials for personal evolution. The possibility of organizing our lives in health-creating ways? Of giving ourselves the kinds of inputs required for thriving? Our potentials for collective emergence? Our potentials for organizing social systems that collectively uplift and make everyone stronger?
What if there was a way to systematically transform our view of the nervous system from first principles, based on studying the neurology itself?
A way to go back to the drawing board and re-sketch these systems, in their entirety, on firm footing, putting them in service to liberation not empire, sovereignty not obedience, embodiment not cognition, cultivation not transaction?
What if we could anchor this discourse in the intellectual history of the origins of neuroscience, trace it through the earliest pioneers of the discipline, and walk it forward into its transformative implications for our lives, personal and collective?
What if we understood the primacy of autonomic systems in laying the foundations for our multiple intelligences? What if we could actually turn on the root drivers of wellbeing directly? Dismantle alienation at its physiological roots? Walk eachother home? Come home to ourselves?
Presenting: A Love Letter to Santigo Ramón y Cajals (father of neuroscience) & Foundation Errors in Neuroscience (21 minutes)
The First of the Autumn 2024 Lectures on the New Foundation Model of Autonomics from Natureza Gabriel & Hearth Science.
These kind of what-ifs change the world! :)
Let’s go!