The Practice of Autonomics
My favorite thing today, during the rains. A mama parrot keeping the little ones dry during the rain. Just to be clear, other than The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, we don’t have wild parrots in the Bay Area– I did not take this photograph.
I’m teaching an Autonomics boot camp in January. This will take place over 5 days: January 20, 21, 22 and 27, 28. We’ll meet for 2 hours, from 7 to 9 am PST (-8 hours GMT. That is 10 am EST, 3 pm in London, 5 pm in Tel Aviv, 8:30 pm in Mumbai). Ten hours of live training in total.
This is designed as a concise accelerated course of study in the foundation model of Autonomics for wellness professionals interested in deepening their lens on Autonomic physiology. We will be teaching the principal frameworks of autonomic physiology that we have spent the past 30 years organizing into a living map. Our objective here is to offer a more clinically-refined and accelerated course of study for people wishing to engage with this work in more sophisticated ways.
This could be a pre-requisite for more advanced study (e.g., a seminar), or simply an accelerated course in integrating the Autonomics lens into your wellness or coaching practice that takes the book deeper. What we are trying to do, as the new book moves into the world, is to capacitize more practitioners with the refinements that this body of work brings into clinical practice.
Join us if you are interested. If you have questions about your level of preparedness, shoot us an email at We will presume a foundation knowledge in autonomic physiology– this could come from having studied with us, or having studied Polyvagal Theory.