Ok, so Oops, I said that the previous post was open to everyone for comments, and then failed to turn comments on for everyone. My bad.
Feedback we got for the idea of a workbook was overwhelmingly positive, which is good… because we’re doing it ;)
Here’s the cover for the forthcoming workbook. Grateful for your comments/ feedback.
The front:
And the back:
Will start taking bulk preorders in the next few days. Here’s a sneak peak inside.
Why would you want to do a bulk pre-order? Because you are interested in having these as a resource for your patients or clients because this will make your work with them much easier, and because we will do orders of multiples of 10 copies at 30% off the cover price, only for these initial preorders.
This is gonna be a great resource! Love the colours. My suggestions would be to make it really clear what the book is about, if the idea is to appeal to a slightly more lay person audience. E.g. skills FOR connecting to yourself and the world, as neurobiology of connection and autonomic may be a bit niche. Similar idea for the back, to me it looks pretty wordy and the use of 3(?) different fonts across bold/italic in only slightly varied sizes feels a bit overwhelming. My eyes feel drawn everywhere and that makes it hard to figure out what the tl;dr is. Is there a way to emphasise “Build the skills and awareness to embody your best life” even more, maybe by putting it in an even bigger size or with a contrasting coloured thought bubble around it or something? Love it!!
Love it!! Can’t wait!